Get Inspired & Nourish YOUR SOUL


Do you ever find yourself thinking up a list of reasons why finding a new job will be impossible? Note, you’ve identified all of the obstacles that will arise, like you can predict the future and you can read other peoples’ minds… Bringing change to your life, especially in the workplace when you have a

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Thought Power

Why Saying “I Can’t” Limits YOUR Options

In the last two months, my life took a turn for the better, but I still felt uneasy. Why? Cause old habits die hard. After a month of flexible plans and being open to anything new, my mind (the old me) started knocking. I allowed worry to take up some space on decisions I had previously

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Nothing is Impossible

      Do you ever feel as though your goal, the one that’s important to you is unattainable? You might see others successfully reaching their goals but you have no idea how to make your goal become a reality in your life, so you you feel stuck and nothing happens.   In March 2014, I

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Prisoners of our Thoughts

It had been exactly 3 months and 9 days since I had returned to society – full-time, after living in an Ashram for 8 months. It was challenging and needless to say, I was not very kind or patient with myself in taking the time I needed to re-adapt, get used to the fast pace

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I’m Priscilla Jabouin


I help creative, unconventional, professional women who feel unhappy at work, wake up to a life and career, they want, love, and deserve.

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