10 years ago, I quit my life

Happy New Year! 

Today is a special day, it’s the day I celebrate my 10 year anniversary leaving the status quo.

Over 10 years ago, I experienced what happens when you step out of your comfort zone.

I discovered what happens when you choose to step into the unknown even though it feels like you’re about to fall into the abyss.

Ten years ago, I decided to trust my heart instead of my mind to see what would happen.

A life I could never have imagined opened up to me.

Even though this experience was beyond amazing, I’ll admit, there were times within the first 3 years of my journey when I worried. 

I wondered:

Did I make the wrong decision? 

Am I living life the wrong way? 

Should I have just stuck to the 9-5?

I discovered, there isn’t a right or wrong answer to these questions.
It all depends on how YOU decide to live your life and what you value.

In my case, I desired something more than the status quo.
So, it made sense for me to choose to pursue an unconventional path.

In December 2013, I followed through on my decision to experience something new, and I left my stable job as a Career Advisor at McGill University.

It was at the time such a scary decision to make, but I had the support of my colleagues.

As the years went by, I would learn how to live my life according to my desires and what feels good in my body and for my nervous system.

I would discover that living a life you love doesn’t mean you wake up with a smile every day – but it does mean that you wake up and make decisions that will allow you to feel more ALIVE – every day.

Sometimes you mess up or feel as though you’re messing up.
Sometimes you wake up and compare your life to others.
Some days, getting out of bed feels hard.

But, one thing I discovered in 2024, is that feeling ALIVE means you are being present to all of these experiences and feeling all of your emotions – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

It means that when you feel sad, you let yourself cry, sob, and feel the pain in your heart. It also means that when you are happy you let your heart burst open, and feel all of the expansion and explosive good feelings.

Living a life you LOVE means feeling all of it!
I believe it’s the only way to really tap into what your heart truly desires.

If you don’t feel all of it, you’ll be missing out on something – your authentic experience of life – YOUR truth.

I could have stuck to my 9 to 5 and also experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s that fork in the road analogy.

Which path do you want to choose?

The one that’s already paved out for you i.e., the status quo, get a job, work the same job for 40+ years, retire, play it safe, and die, or the path you get to pave? The one that leads to the unknown – to new experiences?

When I arrived at the Ashram in The Bahamas on January 8th, 2014, I would have never been able to imagine the life I was about to experience in the next 10 years.

None of it.

But the choice I made in December 2013 allowed me to live my life, my way.

It included laughter, joy, tears, love, anger, the messiness of life, and the deep self-discovery that came with the uniqueness of my journey – and I would never give it up for the routine I would have experienced had I stayed.

I would do it again in a heartbeat.

I knew I had a deep yearning for something more.
So I honoured that desire and took a risk, quit my job, and stepped into the unknown with $3,000 in my bank account.

What happened over the last 10 years?

I lived in The Bahamas by the ocean in a tent.

I visited Senegal for a month.

I started my coaching business.

I became a yoga teacher and then completed my Advanced teacher training 5 years later.

I taught yoga at a luxurious hotel for the Stars! (I even had a model in one of my classes!)

I created a personal development program that I’ve presented in Canada, the USA, and The Bahamas.

I made amazing new friends who live all over the world! 

I travelled to Europe for 5 weeks – I visited many of these friends in France, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, and Hungary.

I travelled on my own for a month and visited Boston, Philadelphia, and NYC.
I did a couple of silent retreats, 7 days, and 10 days (2x).

I moved to Geneva, Switzerland for love 💕

I lived and worked in NYC!

I travelled to Cuba 🇨🇺 on my own during COVID.

I lived in Israel for 2.5 months!

I moved to Toronto

I travelled to Alberta, Canada

And, I’m sure I’m missing other details, like what I did for work 🙂

Waking up every day and deciding how you will live your life.
Never having to ask permission for any of it.

The list goes on.

I don’t regret leaving the 9 to 5 even though I would have been set until retirement. That’s not what I desired.

This or something even more glamorous and unique to YOUR desires awaits you when you take a risk and step out of your comfort zone.

It might be taking a trip to Europe for the very first time; working overseas; quitting the job you don’t like for something better; finally signing up for the yoga training you’ve been dreaming of; making Art your full-time gig; going back to school in your 60’s; applying for your ideal job without all of the experience you think you need; starting your fitness business; starting your dream business; writing and publishing your book; changing careers; pursuing your desired career; moving to a new city or country; applying to Med school before you feel ready; purchasing the home you want; INSERT YOUR DESIRE HERE. 

All of these examples are dreams my clients pursued and achieved by working with me – and I know I’m missing some.

Will 2025 be another year where you wish you had found the courage to pursue your dreams, or will you finally ask for help and let me guide you to create your unique adventure list?

My calendar is open for 1:1 sessions: CLICK HERE to book a time in my schedule

I can’t wait to witness what you will create this year when we work together!

Spots are limited, as always so don’t make your dreams wait another year! 

Reply to this email so we can get you booked into my calendar.

Inspiring YOU to Live a Life you LOVE!

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