What I was really afraid of

Hey Queen!

When I was a kid, my mom would bring us to the public library on Saturdays and we would flip through index cards and look for books to read.

I would often select books like The Babysitters Club, anything by Judy Blume, and a book from the series, Choose Your Own Adventure.

As I reflect on my experience reading the latter, I found it interesting to notice how I interacted with these types of books.

If you’re unfamiliar with these books, at the end of each chapter the reader has the option to choose what happens next by selecting one of 2 to 3 options, and then skipping to that page to continue reading the story.

I always selected the safest option and the story would end.

I was always disappointed that I would not be reading through a fun adventure. It felt like the “game over” moment on the Gameboy. What’s even more interesting is that I never considered going back to choose another option.

When we think about life, this is often how we approach it.

Although we get to choose how we live life, more often than not, out of fear, we choose the safest option. We choose the option that keeps us exactly where we are, in our comfort zone, where everything remains the same.

As I reflected on this childhood experience, the “Choose Your Own Adventure” book series made me realize:

  • You always have options

  • Don’t let fear guide your choices

  • You can always change your mind and choose something else 

These simple lessons are important if you are thinking of making meaningful changes in your career.

In your journey to choose the career path that’s right for you, you will be faced with options. Some of them will be more attractive than others, some choices will be easier to make than others. Some options will elicit fear and make you wonder if you’re making the ‘right’ decision.

But remember, you can always change your mind if once you’ve made a choice, your option no longer feels like the right one.

Don’t be afraid of stepping into the unknown. 

Life isn’t meant to be lived feeling restricted.

It’s meant to be filled with different adventures and new experiences.

You are meant to try new things so you can discover who you are and what your heart truly desires to do. 

If you always stay in the same position, whether it’s at work, or in life, you’ll never really know what feels good to you. And, as a result, it will be more challenging to tap into your desires, and to follow through with them!

So, if you decided this year you were going to make some real, meaningful changes in your career and you’re still at square one. I’m inviting you to take a step in the direction of change by reaching out to me.

Let’s connect to get you on my schedule. Click on the link: LET’S CHAT so you can discover how you can wake up to a career you genuinely LOVE. 

Inspiring YOU to Live a Life you LOVE!

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