Hey Dreamers,
We live in a society that avoids pleasure.
I witness it every day.
The normalization of waking up unhappy to go to work. Whether it’s the overall dissatisfaction with your career, the boredom, lack of meaning, burnout, mundane routine or feeling unhappy; the choice to keep going to that job means you’re choosing to avoid pleasure.
I mentioned this in a previous blog, pleasure anxiety.
Feeling good, ends up not feeling good so you revert to what you know, the discomfort of your comfort zone.
Societal conditioning is real and powerful.
One year ago, I chose to listen to what I desired instead of staying in New York. I moved out to the middle of nowhere in a small village about an hour away from the Algonquin National Park.
I yearned to recreate the experience I had at the Ashram 11 years ago. The deep dive into my spiritual practice. The focus on my healing, the unwavering listening to my heart.
Within a week of arriving there, everything fell into place and The UNIVERSE gave me exactly what I needed – deep silence for inner reflection.
Surrounded by nature, I could finally hear myself again. A connection I had lost 4 years ago amidst the chaos of COVID where making fear-based choices were the by default. There was space for my emotions to arise, space for tears, space to settle into me.
As I started creating space for myself in my day-to-day routine, setting healthy boundaries around my time, honouring my NOs and spending less time doing things I didn’t want to do, I discovered how difficult it was to settle into feeling good. My body wasn’t used to it.
You might have experienced this, or maybe you haven’t.
Somewhere hidden in the fear you experience, there’s a dream you’ve had for years that you’ve tucked away with all the other desires that could make you feel better. But you might feel it’s safer to ignore them because you don’t know if they’re worth it. If they’re worth giving up your daily struggles.
The fear of the unknown can cloud your desire for adventure and something new.
As a society, we embrace the struggle like it’s a gold medal we should show off proudly.
We’re afraid to be different and to fall flat on our faces if we fail. To be witnessed stepping off the “safe” path and potentially messing up.
But, if you follow the steps of those who came before you who never took a risk, never went beyond the status quo, and settled for less, how will you ever know what’s available to you?
How will you ever know what could happen if you choose to listen to your heart? How do you know you won’t find that feeling, the subtle desire you’ve been yearning for?
My countryside life is nourished me.
I had no idea at the time how long I would stay out there. But I decided to make a choice based on what I desired and what was best for me at the time.
If you’re looking for someone to help you clarify what you desire and what’s best for you, give me a shout.
My schedule is open for new clients who are ready to invest in making a meaningful change in their career now, not in 2 to 3 years.
Inspiring YOU to Live a Life you LOVE!