What really happens when you choose to surrender

Years ago (2006 to be exact), I fell in love with the movie Something New. At the time, I could totally relate to the main character who lived a very uptight life and who was encouraged by her group of friends to just “let go and let flow.”

Anxiety ruled my life, so I quickly adopted the motto: “let go, let flow.”

Fast forward to 17 years later, and I think I have the hang of it, kind of.

See, it’s easy to like quotes that encourage you to SURRENDER.

But what does it actually look like, in real life, to surrender?
How do you truly practice the: let go, just be, be present, side of things?

If you followed my journey last year, you know that I completed Regena Thomashauer’s Pleasure Certification Course.

This is ONE of many life lessons I got from spending 6 months immersed in her process.

SURRENDER is the act of accepting what is – ALL OF IT, all of you, all that surrounds you. Surrender is the art of total abandon and acceptance of your emotions, your opinions, your reactions, your thoughts, your DESIRES, and YOUR SELF. 

If you’re still struggling to grasp the concept, here’s an example. Nobody questions the weather or tries to change it. We just accept the weather, and we trust bad weather doesn’t last forever. After the winter, comes spring.

So, what if we approached our lives and emotions in the same manner?

What if we accepted that our life consists of a cycle of experiences and emotions that go from good to bad, joy to sadness, excitement to fear etc.

How might that influence the way you live your life?

Would you be more accepting of yourself, your emotions, and your desires?
Would you be less critical of others’ lived experiences?
Would there be more room for joy, anger, depression, and anxiety if you knew they were just part of your cycle of life like the cycles of the seasons?

You might be wondering, what does SURRENDER have to do with helping you wake up to a career you genuinely love?

We spend so much time talking ourselves out of what we truly desire.
Instead of accepting and embracing what our heart truly desires – we run from it. We justify why we shouldn’t pursue it. We settle for less believing it’s good enough.

I’ve done it, my clients do it, and I hear random people talk about it.
So, I trust and I will confidently assume that you do it too. 

But one thing you need to understand Queen is that creating a meaningful change in your career (and life) starts with a DESIRE.

So, what do you DESIRE, and do you allow yourself to surrender to it?

What would happen if you were to fully surrender to YOUR DEEPEST DESIRES?
The ones that you would love to experience in your life and your career?

I’d love to help you discover what would happen next if you listened to your career desires by inviting you to join THE DARE TO DREAM PROGRAM.

BOOK A DREAM BIG CALL to learn more about this amazing program. 

Inspiring you to Live a Life you LOVE!
Priscilla a.k.a. Queen P.

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