My Map to Happiness

Is it Worth the Risk to Leave YOUR Job?

“If tomorrow, you could wake up and do anything you possibly wanted to do, what would it be?” When my astrologist asked me this question in 2013, I instantly replied that I’d leave Montreal, where I was living at the time. I didn’t though. “I can’t afford to leave my job. What would happen?” “Where

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Define YOU, Define YOUR Purpose

Stepping into YOUR Purpose   Three years ago, I opened my journal from the previous year on the exact same date. I realized that my concerns, complaints, worries and desires had remained exactly the same. I was shocked. I knew in that moment I had to change something, or my life would continue repeating itself

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Stumbling … over fear

Stumbling over fear … what could that possibly mean?! Exactly what I have been experiencing for the last 3ish days. In June, I offered my “baby” Define YOU Define YOUR Purpose for the first time. I was fearless, confident that the universe had set me in this path for a reason and events were falling

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I’m Priscilla Jabouin


I help creative, unconventional, professional women who feel unhappy at work, wake up to a life and career, they want, love, and deserve.

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