Why Self-Care Deserves to be at the Top of Your To-Do List

Do you often find yourself making a decision before giving yourself the time to reflect so you can make the choice that’s right for you? Do you ever say yes to please when the real answer is no? Are you often complaining about the little annoyances that could have been avoided had you just listened

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That’s a Great Idea … and other ways you avoid the truth

Do you ever find yourself avoiding what it is you really want to do? Maybe you’ve always dreamt of writing a book, but you can’t imagine how that could become a reality, so you’ve settled for a corporate position where there’s no writing involved. You’re pursuing plan B (the status quo) when all your heart

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What was I Born to do?

Do you believe that you were put on this earth for a purpose? Do you often ask yourself – What am I going to do with my life? Do you envy others who are happy at work and are living their dreams and passionate about the work that they do? What were you expecting when

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Career Passion. Truth or Myth?

Do you believe in work as passionate play? Have you ever considered this to be possible? Where would you identify yourself on a career satisfaction scale? Career passion is rare, not because it doesn’t exist, but because people do not believe in it. We have been raised in a society that believes work should be

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What is a dream job?

For many of us, the only careers considered professions growing up were in the fields of medicine, engineering, law, and public service. The belief was that these professions were the ones where jobs would be easy to find, there would be employment stability, a good pension, and a regular income. Any other job was just another

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I’m Priscilla Jabouin


I help creative, unconventional, professional women who feel unhappy at work, wake up to a life and career, they want, love, and deserve.

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