White woman blindfolded walking through ruins
Turn Fear into Action

What you Don’t Even Know you’re Missing Out on!

Did you ever notice how the things you’re most afraid of doing are actually things you wish you could do? It’s rare that we’re afraid of something we don’t want to do. In life it’s usually clear, we know what we want to do, and what we don’t want to do. And we either do

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Why life is like a labyrinth …

In life, we allow situations and instances to get in the way of our goals, dreams or hopes. We get stuck so quickly and easily. During a silent retreat, I walked through a meditation labyrinth, head down, allowing my feet and flow to guide me. I realized how, when I reached an edge – a

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The Hidden Curriculum…

When I was a teacher, I read about the “Hidden Curriculum” which is basically everything children learn in their immediate environment, more specifically in the school setting. In the case in which I was reading about it, it had to do with racial issues and how in many schools the lack of visible minorities in

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I’m Priscilla Jabouin


I help creative, unconventional, professional women who feel unhappy at work, wake up to a life and career, they want, love, and deserve.

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