Do you ever feel as though your goal, the one that’s important to you is unattainable?

You might see others successfully reaching their goals but you have no idea how to make your goal become a reality in your life, so you you feel stuck and nothing happens.  

In March 2014, I completed my 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course. At the time, when I saw other students easily coming up into the Sirsasana (the headstand), I could only dream of the day when I would confidently allow myself to “stand” upside down with my  legs up in the air.

The fear of falling down, led to my falling down every single time I tried to get up.

By the end of the intensive 200 hours training, I was still far from having reached the heights I was dreaming of and was still pretty wobbly in my attempts. 

But there was a determination.

As I mentioned in the blog Prisoners of our Thoughts after many patient attempts, I finally rose to the challenge.

I was able to get into the headstand by cultivating positive thoughts.

Today, a little over 2 years later, I am able to hold the pose for at least 3 minutes and variations are slowly becoming more comfortable. So comfortable, that I have started slowly coming into the preparation steps to get into the Scorpion.

At the start of 2014, I could have never even imagined that my mind, let alone my body would allow me to get into such a pose.

If you’re a Dreamer, I want you to remember that our minds might believe that something is impossible, and if we never try to go beyond what we believe, to test it, the possibilities in our life will remain within our limited beliefs.

Life’s experiences will remain within the realm of what we think we know.

Two years later, in 2016, with the assistance of my yoga teacher, I was able to stretch myself beyond my limits, literally. 

MahaShakti (she deserves the credit) literally stretched my body and as a consequence my mind to the vast possibilities within my existence. I found myself with my legs behind my head – my legs behind my head!!! I can only laugh because if someone had told me 10 years ago that one day my legs would reach the back of my head, I would have never believed them.

It my mind, it was impossible for my body to bend in ways that it is now able to bend.

When I think about who I was and what I thought only 2 years ago, I can truly grasp the magic of determination and dedication.

In January 2014, I arrived at the Ashram looking for answers to bring meaning to my existence. I left a job I loved because the idea of falling into a 9 to 5 routine until retirement was not appealing to me. I wanted more, I wanted to create more meaning in my life! So, I went off on an adventure choosing to let myself be guided by my heart.

The key moments in the last 2 years are summed up by the way in which I now choose to live my life. I have come to realize that, it is true, NOTHING is impossible.

I’ve also realized that when I have truly followed my heart, and taken that next step forward, doors have opened up for me.

Something greater than me was guiding me. 

And this magic is available to you too if you choose to commit to your dreams, and take a simple action step towards the change you want to create and/ or experience in your life.

And, don’t get me wrong. There are still moments when I second guess my heart; I still have bad days; and, I still have so much more to learn about life, love, and happiness. But, one thing I do embrace about this whole experience as I prepare myself to leave the Ashram once again, is that I set the limits.

The sky is not the limit, neither is my environment or external circumstances. 

My mind sets the limits.

Nothing is impossible applies to all of us, not just yogis.

Me in a headstand

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Thought Power

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