July is YOUR Time to Rejuvenate …

The last four months might have felt like a hurricane came through.

In my case,  I’ve found myself going back and forth between finding ways to enjoy confinement, and reminiscing about life before Covid. Not to mention the #blacklivesmatter movement that literally moved me to the core.

It’s been an emotional year!

And, when all of these emotions arise, we often fall into this belief system that says we shouldn’t feel a certain way.

The infamous shoulds.

This month, I’m stepping into my 40s, and I’m feeling all sorts of emotions about this HUGE milestone. What I notice is that when I create the space to embrace this semi-midlife crisis – I step into the possibility of a whole new way of being for myself where I can genuinely accept myself — the good and the ugly — unapologetically.  

Our emotions are truly the best part of life

They guide us and help us reconnect with our INNER TRUTH.

At times, we might be in a hurry to get off the emotional rollercoaster, but when we can embrace it, we’re also able to let go of the shoulds that can often direct our lives. 

When we can let go of what we should or should not be feeling; what we should, or should not be doing; and, what should or should not be happening, then, we can let go of self-judgement and BE PRESENT to our unique truth.

Only then can we start to give space for a full life, the life we want to wake up to, the life we want to live, and the life we genuinely love.

So, next time you find yourself judging your response to the craziness happening in this world and your life, remember that your emotional response is a faithful guide leading to your most authentic unapologetic YOU.

Inspiring YOU to Live a Life you LOVE!

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