Do you Know What Time it is?

The new year is here, once again! And you might be feeling a bit nervous due to last year’s unexpected circumstances. Feeling nervous is good especially if you’re using this energy to motivate you to create meaningful changes in 2021 … 

In my case, if you’ve been reading my newsletters, you know that my life got completely sidetracked in 2020. 

But, it gave me the opportunity to reflect on what I wanted next. I had reached my dream to live and work in NYC and it was time to decide what was next. 

And this is where life can get tricky because there’s always space for more. We can always accomplish new things, want more things, and continue to dream for the next best thing. 

Life is fleeting, so is happiness.

So, you might be wondering, how can I create a life I genuinely love waking up to if nothing actually lasts forever?

It’s really all about perspective. 

I like to describe it as your life’s theme.
Do you know your life’s theme? 

It’s the underlying force that motivates all of your decisions, every single one of them. And, when you define this theme, and the feelings and emotions that come with it, you can start making choices that are aligned with YOU and what you really want, in your life and career. 

Discovering your theme is part of the 5 part self-discovery process I developed in 2015 and that’s the foundation of the work I do with my clients. 

The My Map to Happiness™ method is not a quick fix, it’s a process that supports you in identifying what needs to be in place so you can wake up to a life and career you LOVE!

If you’re a DREAMER, then this year I want you to step into your power as a FEARLESS, AMAZING, PASSIONATE woman – no matter what happens around you – so you can finally wake up to the life you want to live, not the one you think you should be living.  

Will you join me in that journey?

If you said yes, don’t miss any of my newsletters this year. I’ll be sharing tips and programs that will help you make your unique goals a priority in 2021. 

Inspiring YOU to Live a Life you LOVE!

More To Explore

Thought Power

10 years ago, I quit my life

Happy New Year!  Today is a special day, it’s the day I celebrate my 10 year anniversary leaving the status quo. Over 10 years ago, I experienced what happens when you step out of your comfort zone. I discovered what happens when you choose to step into the unknown even though it feels like you’re


3 tips to rest (really rest)

These tips are for you if you ever feel guilty whenever you take a nap or decide to take some well-deserved time off. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY We usually feel it in our body when it’s time to rest, but we’ve developed the bad habit of ignoring the signs. Listen to the sensations that are telling you

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