You graduated from University and said YES to the first stable job
thinking it’s all you needed to be happy.
But you’re not, and you’re done pretending your professional status is bringing you happiness.
You’re ready to acknowledge that you hate Monday mornings.
You just wish you could just drop everything and quit your 9 to 5.
You also know it’s not that simple to quit a stable, well paying job.
You have bills to pay, and other responsibilities.
Meanwhile, you feel like your life is just passing you by,
as you witness other people your age looking happy and successful.
Sometimes you feel a bit jealous.
But you also feel guilty for wishing things could be different.
I mean, shouldn’t you be happy?
Queen, I know people like YOU,
They can’t ignore what it feels like to live a life that’s not aligned with their Soul’s desires.
You can’t pretend to be happy when you feel your disappointments so deeply.
You can’t ignore the incessant tug in your heart asking you to do something different.
You know the overwhelm, stress, anxiety, and confusion you feel about your life is not normal.
But, you don’t believe you deserve more and you’re afraid it’s not available for you.
You’re scared.
If you can’t pursue the dream, then what can you do?
Are ready to discover an approach that will lead to meaningful results
Know looking for another job is not the answer and you feel ready to quit
No longer want to be disappointed in your career life.
Reading the Parachute books, and other passion project publications, have not given you more clarity
Discussed the topic with your therapist, but felt they didn’t quite get the depth of your desire
Feel your Soul will probably die if you push through until retirement, and you know your heart won’t have it
Have wondered whether you’re too stubborn and you should just settle into the status quo life.
Feel it in your gut that you’re meant to experience so much more than this
you either have faith in possibility
or you have faith that the possibility doesn't exist.Marianne Williamson
Fulfilled, create meaning, and find your purpose in your day to day activities
Like you serve others, have an impact and make a difference in the world
You can be yourself, and show up as yourself in this world and at work
In tune with your body and honour what your heart truly desires to do!
Unapologetic about your life choices, and say YES to what you really want
Courageous as you create the reality you desire in your life!
This program is for YOU if you want to get crystal clear clarity so you can leave a career that leaves you feeling dissatisified; you might be afraid BUT you’re ready to start living YOUR life unapologetically by saying YES to what you want (i.e., the dream career, the travel, the freedom, the desires); and, you want the ongoing support, unconditional encouragement, and accountability to successfully do it!
Dive deep into your self-reflections with 60 mins 1:1 coaching sessions start on week 2 of the program.
Ongoing support so you can discover what your heart desires and confidently go for it!
Guidance and advice to identify actionable steps to make your dream a reality.
Learn embodiement and pleasure practices to tune into your body, let go of personal resistance/ obstacles and seamlessly ease into your transition.
The 5 Part Self-Discovery Online Workshop, presented in Canada, the USA, and The Bahamas
Get clarity and discover what your heart truly desires with this foundational course.
The program is a mini-coaching course where you will learn key elements to live a life you will love, honour your desires and pursue your dreams. This mini coaching course will guide you through self-reflection activities to help you gain deeper self-awareness by helping you apply the 5 steps of the My Map to Happiness method in your daily life.
This structured process will help you gain clarity; support your decision making process; and help you overcome fear.
30 Daily Video Tips to support your self-exploration process
Daily action items to deepen your self-reflections
Learn the step-by-step process to successfully conduct a job search so you can find a career you want, love, and deserve.
Topics include: Professional Resume & Cover Letter Writing, Interview Preparation, Personal Branding, and Networking.
Additional workbooks to support your process: My Unique Profile Workbook (Interview Prep); 90 Days Action Plan Workbook.
Unique and professionally tailored self-reflection activities to deepen your process as you discover what your heart truly desires.
This is the perfect workbook if you need some structured activities to help you remember what you have always known.
This guided audio-visualization will help you tap into your subconscious mind to discover what your heart truly desires to do.
Get comfortable, close your eyes, and let my voice guide you into a deep self-exploration.