Get Inspired & Nourish YOUR SOUL

Thought Power

How silence can lead to clarity

Do you ever find yourself fighting the thoughts in your head? Wondering why the person next to you seems to have an everlasting smile plastered on their face while you struggle to get out of bed in the morning? Do you ever wonder if this rollercoaster ride of emotions will EVER end?Do you ever wonder

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3 tips to make yourself a priority

PLUG IT INInclude self-care in your schedule with the same level of importance as the time you dedicate to work. Plug it in your schedule and don’t let anyone or anything replace this Sacred time. CHOOSE YOUR ROUTINEWake up and go to bed at the same time every day. Pick a time of the day

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The quickest way to clarity

Clients come to me for clarity.They usually have an important decision to make (often work-related). They’re confused, they feel stuck, and fear and money are MAJOR OBSTACLES for all of them. And I get it 100%. Sometimes I’m still afraid to follow my BIG dreams, and, what I’ve noticed is that we’ve been conditioned to

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3 tips to trust the Universe

GO WITHINTake some time in your day to go within.Silence and a calm environment will make it easier for you to hear the subtle messages from your inner voice. TRUST YOURSELFWhen you start to hear your inner voice, learn to listen to and trust her.She knows what’s best for you. YOU know what’s best for

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Trust & Surrender

What really happens when you choose to surrender

Years ago (2006 to be exact), I fell in love with the movie Something New. At the time, I could totally relate to the main character who lived a very uptight life and who was encouraged by her group of friends to just “let go and let flow.” Anxiety ruled my life, so I quickly adopted the

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3 tips to embrace fear & take action

TAP INTO YOUR DESIRESOnce you clearly identify what you truly desire, it becomes easier to find the motivation to pursue it no matter what.  ACCEPT DISCOMFORTChange, real, meaningful change comes with discomfort. When you start to feel very uncomfortable, it’s a good sign. You are now stepping beyond your comfort zone where the real magic will

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I’m Priscilla Jabouin


I help creative, unconventional, professional women who feel unhappy at work, wake up to a life and career, they want, love, and deserve.

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