What is a dream job?

For many of us, the only careers considered professions growing up were in the fields of medicine, engineering, law, and public service. The belief was that these professions were the ones where jobs would be easy to find, there would be employment stability, a good pension, and a regular income. Any other job was just another

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Welcome to a new beginning…

Dear Dreamers and Soul Searchers,I sit here with a fear, the fear of putting myself out there and living my dream! But I am taking the first step which is to write a blog and launch a website that will give you as Dear D Dear Dreamers and Soul Searchers,I sit here with a fear,

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I’m Priscilla Jabouin


I help creative, unconventional, professional women who feel unhappy at work, wake up to a life and career, they want, love, and deserve.

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